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What is the Vehicle Brake System?

The brake system is what a vehicle uses to stop when pressing the brake pedal. There are three main parts to your vehicle’s braking system. The Master Cylinder, Brake Calipers/Cylinders, and the Brake Surfaces. When pressing on the brake pedal it causes the Master Cylinder to push 900-1500PSI through the Brake Lines which go to the Brake Calipers/Cylinders. Then depending on the system use that pressure to push the Brake material to the rotor or drums which is connected to the wheel, causing the whole vehicle to come to a stop.

Vehicle Brakes

Why do you need a working Vehicle Brake System?

Faulty Brake System components are the most dangerous systems to leave unattended. Without the Vehicle Brake System working properly a vehicle will be unable to stop or slow to a stop. Both of which can cause injury and accident. Many times a Vehicle Brake System will work on light use but when attempting an emergency stop. The Brake Fluid pushes at full pressure through the system, causing any weak points to fail.

What are the signs of a failing Vehicle Brake System?

Common signs of a Failing Vehicle Brake System are:

-The Vehicle is not stoping

-The Vehicle is Slow to stop

-The Brake Pedal feels loose

-Squeaking, grinding, or scraping especially when applying the Brake Pedal

-Burning smell after applying the Brake Pedal

-Smoke coming from the Brake System

Failing Vehicle Brake System

If you are experiencing any of these problems or please schedule a diagnostic. Make your mind at ease, its better to be safe than risk not giving attention to your Vehicle Braking System!

Brake Pads

Brake Pads replacement. Includes Ceramic Brake Pads, greasing slide pins and hardware. We do not provide rotor resurfacing and are only able to replace brake pads on rotors that are smooth.

Brake Pads and Rotors

Brake Pads and Rotors replacement. Includes Ceramic Brake Pads, Hardware, coated Rotors and greasing of all contacts.

For more in depth info on how brakes work, check out this site!